Media Center
library Staff
Cassie Moore - Librarian/Media Specialist |
Lee Ann Stephens - Media Center Aide |
Please click on the links below to learn more about the award-winning Seneca Middle School library.
Awards, Accolades, and Achievements
Library Mission Statement
While the SMS library does provide a variety of specific programs as detailed above, our library is also the hub of numerous other activities such as collaborative lessons in partnership with individual teachers or grade levels, research projects, and an assortment of activities/opportunities for our students.
6th & 8th grade students compete in a "Family Feud"-like game demonstrating their mastery of literary elements. | An 8th grade teacher gathers her class for a round robin reading time in the library. | Having fun at the Book Fair. |
Hanging out with good books and friends is the perfect way to spend time in the library. | Reading makes you smile! | Ms. Moore enjoys reading aloud and sharing books with students. |
Sixth grade students enjoyed playing games and "tasting" different genres during orientation. | Students asked for a Marvel section and the library delivered! | It's always fun to read a book with a buddy. |
Students check out Governor's School information at our library drop-in. | The Court of Books and Caffeine - when teachers gather to read outside of school. | Book displays attract students to different themes and holidays. |